Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Very First

This is my very first blog post.
And because it's my very first blog post I'll tell you things that I LOOOVE, and things that I not so love.

1. LOVE LOVE LOVE SOFTBALL! it's my passion. I don't, and couldn't go a day without swinging my bat or playing in the beautiful red dirt. Yes, I just called dirt beautiful.

2. If you will regularly read my blog, you will regularly read about my cousins. I honestly don't think I could live without them!

3. My friends are so so so great. I love them too much.

4. If you bring me anything with peanut butter in it, you will be my new best friend.

5. LONG STRAIGHT HAIR. I believe long straight hair is absolutely gorgeous. I miss mine):

6. I'm so socially awkward.. I literally cannot go two minutes without embarrassing myself completely, or making someone feel uncomfortable. So heyy I might as well embrace my awkwardness and have fun with it. I do love being awkward.

7. I don't really care what people think about me. I'm livin life to the fullest and I'm having fun! If you have a problem with it.. I don't really care. haha

This year also happens to be my very first year of high school too. YAAAY FOR HIGHSCHOOL. This year will be full of very firsts. First date, First drive.. a whole entire year full of firsts. The first month has already been full of them and I expect many more! So cheers to high school and it's very first's. Cause that's what's worth blogging about in the end(:

1 comment:

  1. Awww...this is so you!!! You are going to be a great blogger. I'm excited!
