Monday, October 8, 2012

so so so happy.

I'm so so so so so so happy. I can't tell you how great the past weekend has been. And how much I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Everything's just great, let me tell you.

First of all my softball team took first in the 18u Last Stand tournament! WOOOHOOO! It was so fantastic to see everyone playing so hard. I'm so happy that everyones hard work paid off in the end. This was a wonderful way to end the fall season. Nice job ladies(:

The next day on sunday my family and I drove up to Ogden to watch the sunday session of conference with my family. I love all my family to the moon and back. A day in ogden was exactly what I needed. The only downer was that annoucement about the mission ages going down. Girls can go when they're 19 and boys and go when they're 18. "HOLY CRAP MY COUSIN ARE GONNA GO ON MISSIONS."<<<< thats the first thing I thought of when I heard that. No joke, I almost started crying. I cannot go 18 months without mallory, kyrstin, and katie. They're my best friends. me and samantha are going to die when they leave.. but I am happy for them if they choose to go.

this is my family at conference. I love them.

Speaking of family. My family from Arizona are coming up this UEA weekend. I'm so so so excited! I haven't seen them since last april. I miss them very much. Plus I get 5 days without going to school. YES YES YES YES YES. I dispise school. 5 days without school, replaced with family and friends. I can't wait.

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