Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm prepared.

I have a softball tournament this weekend.
In St george.

Last year in St George our first game started at 10:00 P.M. our second game started at 11:30 P.M. The next day we had a game at 8:00 A.M. meaning that we had to be there with our cleats and mitts on at 7:00 A.M. and may I add the temperature never got past 30 degrees. ALSO. The wind was blowing like craaazzzyyy, it was snowing, and raining. How can it snow and rain at the same time you might ask? We have no idea, ask St. George weather.

Oh and we lost all four games. No bueno.

I can honestly say I've never been more chilled to the bone in my entire life. Even thinking about it makes me shiver.. hahaha. IT. WAS. SO. COLD.

This year it's supposed to be 60 degrees. Plus I've been hitting at least twice a day.

Im well prepared and excited for tomorrow(:
I'll tell you how it goes.
but for now.


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