Friday, January 11, 2013

tis' the season

First off let me apologize for my lack of blogging. it was christmas break then right after I got sick, extremely sore, plus its the end of the semester soo I had tons of homework. Which leaves not very much time for blogging. A TON has happened since my last blog post. sooo get comfortable. And because everything seems to be happening at once, I decided to do multiple blog posts so that they would be more organized. This blog post will just be a simple overview of my christmas break. 

What I got for Christmas
  • headphones (I secrectly was wishing for this)
  • ihome
  • curling iron
  • cleats
  • clothes
My christmas turned out to be such a good one. Spent time with my cousins, saw Les Mis, which by the way is amazing and if you haven't seen it so far.. I highly recommend you do. caaauuuse I cried the whole time, but whatev because... who didn't?

Anyways. the rest of my christmas break was just straight out fun. I had such a lovely time with Taralynn, Meghan and Savannah. We kidnapped cats, visited Taylor, drove to nikelcade, had sleepovers, got stuck in the snow, had cry sesh's, had movie nights. WE PARTIED HARD. 

Also, My cousins and I went to Wyoming for probably the last time... ever. It's kind of a tradition that we do. All of us girls go up to Wyoming for a weekend or couple of days every couple of years. we decided that since Mal and Kyrst are going on missions this fall we would make one last trip into the middle of no where. And it was pretty fun. lemme tell you.

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