Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Such a sweet sixteen

just one thing


Luckily my birthday fell on Martin Luther King's day, which means I had a day off from school! nothing better I could ask for! For my birthday I didn't really do anything, just went shopping with my mother and hung out with my friends! they kidnapped me for breakfast and that was wayyyy fun. The day was filled with just hanging out with the people I love most. (expect my cousins weren't there). 

The best thing about being sixteen is not dating though. I honestly don't really care about that. My most favorite thing is being able to drive!! ahhhhh its so nice. wanna a drink at sonic? ight lets go. Wanna pick something up at walmart for a friend? Yeah totally, do it. (plus I get to sleep in 45 more minutes cause I dont have to ride the bus....yessss). OOOMMMG. seriously. soo sooo nice. all of my expectations of being sixteen were reached. Im very satisfied. 

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